Sunday, March 10, 2019

Failure Before Success

We are living in a world that values success greater than the road to get there. We are blinded by the the glory in the end result. Yet the process in the progress is where the true beauty lies. Especially when we fail. That's where the magic happens. Where you find your wind between your face and the ground. The wind that will carry the next seed needed to be planted for your harvest. Hold tight. Success is a failure away.

I say with confidence; your success is greater because of your failures. Much richer. Much more appreciated. Ask anyone who has reached a major milestone of success how many failures occurred before that success. I am quite positive each person could pen a detailed account of the failures along with the lessons in those losses. And that is the magic. If we are willing to listen to the failure we would gain several valuable lessons. And if do the work to use what we have learned from those lessons, growth and change is inevitable. That's the key. It's the very essence of your journey that will, if applied, continuously push you to success after success after success.

Nope. It's not pretty or polished. It's ugly and dirty. You cry. Sometimes a lot. It hurts. May even feel like the pain is too much to bear. Yet know you were give ideas for your many successes and this birthing pain is only temporary.

Don't give up on your possibilities because of the fear of failure. You literally have nothing to loss by following all that your heart desires. Failure is only a part of the process. An essential part. But a small part in comparison to your coming greater gain.  A pebble in the road that looks like a mountain from afar. It's meant for you to overcome failure. Not stop before acquiring all that you need. It can't skipped. In that ugly package is a glorious gift. Don't miss the lesson in disguise.

So. . . . . 

Dream it. Those crazy ideas are yours. Deposited in your spirit during day-dreams or star glazes, long walks, short drives. They are yours. And yes; even your wildest dreams are possible.

Create the plan. Write it down. You may not have all the whole vision yet. Write it as you see it. Allow your imagination to flow to that desired outcome. Sure all the pieces of the path may not be present, yet. No worries. They will appear right when the timing is right. And what you need may be wrapped in a failure or two.

Leap. If you truly want that desired outcome don't wait for the net to appear; just leap. Watch God orchestrate the universe to provide all that you need.

Invest in ear plugs. The people around you will try to cast clouds on your sun. Their negative words are poisonous darts of distraction. Don't listen. Remember you have success that you are after, not the approval of the naysayers.

Follow YOUR yellow brick road. It's no straight line. Plenty of curves and bumpy roads. But it's yours. Don't forget that. It's yours. It's making you. Taking you to your desired outcome. Don't get distracted by those curves and bumps. Each one you take will prepare you for the next one. Don't get off the path. Stay your course. No one else's course will take you where you wanna go. What's for you is for you.

Don't stop. 
--be resilient
--be fierce
--be a fighter
--be determined
--be focused
--be unstoppable

Fail. Then get back up and try it again. And again. And again.

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