Sunday, March 31, 2019

Challenges Don't Change the Truth

Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
It's had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor --
But all the time
I'se been a-climbin' on,
And reachin' landin's,
And turnin' corners,
And sometimes goin' in the dark
Where there ain't been no light.

So boy, don’t you turn back
.Don’t you set down on the steps’
Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now—For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

--Mother to Son, Langston Hughes

It's no secret. We are encounter challenges all the time. Yet it seems like they come after we thought we "made" it through the storm! I have been officially unemployed for 8 months. And this part of my journey has been no crystal stair. I told God he betta pull through on one of these last three interviews because I totally learned all I needed to learn at this point and I am ready for THE door to open. I have applied to soooo many jobs, been on sooo many interviews--I stopped counting at like 15, and I am just sooo over it all!!! 

Then Monday rolls around and I get an email at 1:30pm with another "unable to offer employment" messages. At first I was like, okay no biggie, this wasn't THE door. My momentary okay turned sour throughout the day and soon I found myself wanting to cast blame--what did I do wrong this time. 

To say my this portion of my journey has been tough is only the tip of it. The moving iceberg underneath carries so much the eyes can't see. And please don't take my sharing as a moment of shame. I share because it is my reasonable duty. No point in keeping it secret. We all have challenges on the journey. Folks watching just want to know how we are making it through. And here's what I have to say to current challenges don't change the Truth.  God is still God. His plan for my life is still very present and working for my favor. My worth, value, talent, skill and ability are not valued by the numbers of yes or no I receive. I don't need to necessarily know the details of it all because I am not conforming to a fit or a type or a like. I am determined to live through my challenges as they refine my faith, character, talent, gifts, and goals. These challenges are my preparation for THE door. Yes it was easy to fall trap, but I didn't. Yes I felt my feelings, asked myself why I felt that way, then decided I would continue to exercise my faith--God you still have two more opportunities, I can't wait to see which one you desire me to explore...

So it the mean time and even the lean time, I will hold fast to these words: 

  1. This journey is personal--it's MINE. Forget what you heard; there's no magic time frame. I am truly a better human today that I have even been in my life. I know more about God, faith and relationship than every before. 
  2. Keep faithful; consistency is the major key to success. I recently told my brother that I am not ready to venture into entrepreneurship because I am working on being consistent with my time and talent right now. It I can't be faithful with this small thing I surely can't handle any more. I am learning to carry my cup over the river and through the woods while it is half full so that as increase is added, I already have built the patience and persistence needed for that additional weight and responsibility.
  3. Do a lot with the little bit I may have. Giving isn't all monetary. Whatever I find my hands to do, I should do it. Give of my  time, talent, love, mercy, grace--basically all that I have to fit the need. Talent buried births bitterness, anger, frustration, and so much more negativity. In other words when you fail to nurture and live in your Truth and purposes (yes you have MANY purposes in life) you truly ain't living. I am devoted to giving of this talent because I know others need to see they are not alone. I'm a river  and I got folks to feed. 
  4. This time is no different. I have been through tough times before and I will come through this one too. Life ain't been no crystal stair, but I won't sit down. These challenges don't change my Truth. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Submission: Whose Mission of Life are You Aligned to?

I have become a podcast newbie. I have a specific set of folks I have started following for professional and personal learning. And it never fails that I pick up so many nuggets of good stuff. Recently I was listening to The Love Hour with the comedian KevOnStage and his wife, MrsKevOnStage and she said something that struck my soul....submission simply means to come under or in agreement with a mission. I begin to think how we tend to attach such a negative connotation to such an important life concept. I immediately asked myself, whose mission of life am I submitting to and am I totally aligned to that mission? Like come on in the room! I was shocked myself--like did I just say that! God was all up in my commute. Am I living the life I desire or have I submitted and ascribed to the convictions of others watching my dreams fizzle away?

It's time we are honest with ourselves--whose life are we living? 

Yes, your most wildest and magnificent dream is 100% possible. It's your life mission. And while you may not have all the specific parts and pieces, as you submit to making it a reality that which you need will manifest for you. Are you willing to do the work?

Submit to peace and positivity. Choose to see the situation exactly as it is; an opportunity. A chance that didn't exist before. Sure the packaging may not be as described, yet it's within you to take what's inside and create. Don't give in so easy to whatever is presented your way. It's okay to be slow to speak and quick to think. Hold your tongue! Everything stated or seen doesn't need your attention or response. Take this opportunity to cultivate and plant exactly want you desire to reap.

Submit to patience and embrace time. Listen we have ZERO control over time. Submitting to what society defines as life milestones will kill your joy and your mission for that matter. Nahh you don't have to reach the outcome when they say you should. I have no clue who they may be, yet I understand how controlling they can be. When we submit to "they" we forfeit our dreams. We willing align to this joyless rat-race of chasing the ever exclusive "American Dream." Fall out of agreement with "they." Believe me, whenever you reach the outcome the reward is still just as sweet!

Dream again. The unique talents and gifts that you have been endowed will create rivers. Rivers are life sources. Did you hear me? You are a LIFE source. (Now that is a word! Like honestly I felt that one!) When you submit to what is not for you, you kill the future of what should be. Someone needs the source you have. Someone needs the life in you so s/he can live. Tomorrows are created by todays. Keep going. Keep moving forward. Keep grooming your journey, planting your seeds, gathering your harvest so that you can give as you gain and gain as you give.

Nobody told you the road would be easy. Literally no one has said to you your journey would be easy because quick and easy ain't living. Sure some parts of your mission may be easier than others only because you did the pre-requisite work. Your efforts and work is not in vain when your mission.  No where in your dreams--as wild and giant and magnificent as they are, did you see easy. You saw you in all of the shine you 100% deserve. Go get it. Dream the mission God planted within you at birth. Align to the steps God has already ordered for you. Don't worry about time--God can redeem it. Go get it. Accept your mission. Start your course. Go get it.

It's time we are honest with ourselves--whose life are we living? What have you submitted to? If it's not the mission you 100% desire, abort.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Stop Trying and Start Trusting

Soooo I am telling you to stop trying and I mean it! Stop trying to make things happen as you believe they should be in the timing that you believe it should happen. Stop forcing it to be. Stop trying to figure it out. What is meant to be will be. You don't have to understand it all so stop trying to.

Trust your process. Life is happening for you, not to you. The outcomes you desire are coming to you through your process. Every idea, every dream is being manifested for you. Trust the process. 

No need to compare. Each process belongs to the one owner. It's uniquely YOURS. Trust. What is yours is yours.

It's greater than you. Your process is guiding you through progress. You're gaining as you go. Your healing. Deeper understanding of self, others and purpose here on Earth. Trust every situation you encounter is being forth your greatness. Your greatness is intended to give to others. Trust. 

Keep working. Be consistent in your work. Be faithful to your work. Be grateful for your work. Trust. All that work in your process doesn't go unnoticed. Trust. It's working for you.

Change your perception. Not lack but wealth. Wealth of opportunities. Trust. You have within you all you need to obtain all that you need to gain at this exact moment. 

Trust your process. It's working out for you. Don't try to force it to be. Trust your process. The outcome is coming for you. 

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Failure Before Success

We are living in a world that values success greater than the road to get there. We are blinded by the the glory in the end result. Yet the process in the progress is where the true beauty lies. Especially when we fail. That's where the magic happens. Where you find your wind between your face and the ground. The wind that will carry the next seed needed to be planted for your harvest. Hold tight. Success is a failure away.

I say with confidence; your success is greater because of your failures. Much richer. Much more appreciated. Ask anyone who has reached a major milestone of success how many failures occurred before that success. I am quite positive each person could pen a detailed account of the failures along with the lessons in those losses. And that is the magic. If we are willing to listen to the failure we would gain several valuable lessons. And if do the work to use what we have learned from those lessons, growth and change is inevitable. That's the key. It's the very essence of your journey that will, if applied, continuously push you to success after success after success.

Nope. It's not pretty or polished. It's ugly and dirty. You cry. Sometimes a lot. It hurts. May even feel like the pain is too much to bear. Yet know you were give ideas for your many successes and this birthing pain is only temporary.

Don't give up on your possibilities because of the fear of failure. You literally have nothing to loss by following all that your heart desires. Failure is only a part of the process. An essential part. But a small part in comparison to your coming greater gain.  A pebble in the road that looks like a mountain from afar. It's meant for you to overcome failure. Not stop before acquiring all that you need. It can't skipped. In that ugly package is a glorious gift. Don't miss the lesson in disguise.

So. . . . . 

Dream it. Those crazy ideas are yours. Deposited in your spirit during day-dreams or star glazes, long walks, short drives. They are yours. And yes; even your wildest dreams are possible.

Create the plan. Write it down. You may not have all the whole vision yet. Write it as you see it. Allow your imagination to flow to that desired outcome. Sure all the pieces of the path may not be present, yet. No worries. They will appear right when the timing is right. And what you need may be wrapped in a failure or two.

Leap. If you truly want that desired outcome don't wait for the net to appear; just leap. Watch God orchestrate the universe to provide all that you need.

Invest in ear plugs. The people around you will try to cast clouds on your sun. Their negative words are poisonous darts of distraction. Don't listen. Remember you have success that you are after, not the approval of the naysayers.

Follow YOUR yellow brick road. It's no straight line. Plenty of curves and bumpy roads. But it's yours. Don't forget that. It's yours. It's making you. Taking you to your desired outcome. Don't get distracted by those curves and bumps. Each one you take will prepare you for the next one. Don't get off the path. Stay your course. No one else's course will take you where you wanna go. What's for you is for you.

Don't stop. 
--be resilient
--be fierce
--be a fighter
--be determined
--be focused
--be unstoppable

Fail. Then get back up and try it again. And again. And again.

Monday, March 4, 2019

You Deserve All The Good Things

Note to self. . .

You are so much greater than you can even begin to imagine. Too often we magnify our imperfects so much that we fail to see the total human we are. How truly magnificent we are. At no point can we leave half of ourselves outside and allow only the other half to enter the room. Wherever you tread, you take all of you with you. Yes all those amazing qualities far outweigh those growing areas. In the midst of it all you deserve ALL the good things.

These good things aren't reserved only for others; yours belong to you. We all have a special shelf lined with special good things awaiting us as we walk through our life journey. Yes awaiting us. Our good things are manifested as we do the work. Yes we have to do the work to have all that we deserve.

Believe you are deserving of the good things. The faith needed to succeed does need not to be a huge amount. Only the size of a mustard seed. Have you actually seen a mustard seed? If you hold it in the palm of your hand it is sure to get lost in one of the lines of your palm; it's that small. And that's all you need to begin to receive all the good things. It all starts with what you believe.

 Enlarging your capacity to receive the good things. In our current space we can't hold and maintain the good things. Like any vessel, we must be emptied and cleaned. Releasing who we think we are for who we want to be requires acknowledgment. It's okay that we missed whatever the mark may have been. Recognize the lesson to be learned, embrace it, yet keep moving. Shedding those strings of past things makes space for what you are really supposed to have.

Keep moving forward. Time does not operate merely on the rise and setting of the sun. Take no worry in time when you are doing the work. When your desire matches your drive toward your goal, the good things manifest just as they should. Do not be dismayed if the "time" seems to go by without the manifestation. Trust the process. It's coming. Be anxious for no thing. All you deserve will come. You are doing to the work to make it happen.

Yes, you deserve ALL the good things.