I have become a podcast newbie. I have a specific set of folks I have started following for professional and personal learning. And it never fails that I pick up so many nuggets of good stuff. Recently I was listening to The Love Hour with the comedian KevOnStage and his wife, MrsKevOnStage and she said something that struck my soul....submission simply means to come under or in agreement with a mission. I begin to think how we tend to attach such a negative connotation to such an important life concept. I immediately asked myself, whose mission of life am I submitting to and am I totally aligned to that mission? Like come on in the room! I was shocked myself--like did I just say that! God was all up in my commute. Am I living the life I desire or have I submitted and ascribed to the convictions of others watching my dreams fizzle away?
It's time we are honest with ourselves--whose life are we living?
Yes, your most wildest and magnificent dream is 100% possible. It's your life mission. And while you may not have all the specific parts and pieces, as you submit to making it a reality that which you need will manifest for you. Are you willing to do the work?
Submit to peace and positivity. Choose to see the situation exactly as it is; an opportunity. A chance that didn't exist before. Sure the packaging may not be as described, yet it's within you to take what's inside and create. Don't give in so easy to whatever is presented your way. It's okay to be slow to speak and quick to think. Hold your tongue! Everything stated or seen doesn't need your attention or response. Take this opportunity to cultivate and plant exactly want you desire to reap.
Submit to patience and embrace time. Listen we have ZERO control over time. Submitting to what society defines as life milestones will kill your joy and your mission for that matter. Nahh you don't have to reach the outcome when they say you should. I have no clue who they may be, yet I understand how controlling they can be. When we submit to "they" we forfeit our dreams. We willing align to this joyless rat-race of chasing the ever exclusive "American Dream." Fall out of agreement with "they." Believe me, whenever you reach the outcome the reward is still just as sweet!
Dream again. The unique talents and gifts that you have been endowed will create rivers. Rivers are life sources. Did you hear me? You are a LIFE source. (Now that is a word! Like honestly I felt that one!) When you submit to what is not for you, you kill the future of what should be. Someone needs the source you have. Someone needs the life in you so s/he can live. Tomorrows are created by todays. Keep going. Keep moving forward. Keep grooming your journey, planting your seeds, gathering your harvest so that you can give as you gain and gain as you give.
Nobody told you the road would be easy. Literally no one has said to you your journey would be easy because quick and easy ain't living. Sure some parts of your mission may be easier than others only because you did the pre-requisite work. Your efforts and work is not in vain when your mission. No where in your dreams--as wild and giant and magnificent as they are, did you see easy. You saw you in all of the shine you 100% deserve. Go get it. Dream the mission God planted within you at birth. Align to the steps God has already ordered for you. Don't worry about time--God can redeem it. Go get it. Accept your mission. Start your course. Go get it.
It's time we are honest with ourselves--whose life are we living? What have you submitted to? If it's not the mission you 100% desire, abort.
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