Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Dust Myself Off & Start All Over Again!

So here it is, the last week on January 2009, can you believe it! Well I can't. I was thinking about it this morning and recalled what I was doing last year at this time...well I was working out 4 days a week and NOT eating the Ben & Jerry's Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream which I have become addicted too recently!!! (Damn I get excited about its flavor just thinking about it!!!)

I started off 08 with a goal and worked that goal for 4 months straight! I was so proud of myself. It was the first time I had ever decided to get committed about being healthier. I had lost 30 pounds and was well on my way. But then I got sick, had surgery and lost all momentum! Seriously momentum was out the door. In part because of the surgery but still what happened??? Did I use my surgery as an excuse?

At this point I am still trying to figure out what stopped me dead in my tracks. Though I haven't gained the weight back, I haven't lost any either. So I am trying it all over again. I am picking up my food journal ( a MUST have when trying to lose weight. Writing down the food you eat does wonders on the mind!), hittin' the elliptical, downloading some more good music, and I am off!

I really want this. I will be thirty at the end of the year and when I turn 30 in December I wanna say DAMN look at me! I did what I said I was going to do!

Though I won't make it the focus on my writings, I will def keep you updating on my progress.

Mark the calendar for Feb. 2 2009---I'll be a rebel WITH a cause!

Remember it only takes one to start a revolution.....


  1. Good for you.
    I am 36 and now I try to watch what I eat for health reasons like heart attacks.

    So Feb 2 is your next post?
    I will be around.

  2. I definitely agree I need to do better and will try. Feb. 2 is the date I will officially start my new journey for better health.
