Monday, April 22, 2019

Choosing Gratitude

It's easy to be consumed by what is assumed to be the long road ahead. Our dreams and goals seem long in the distance, almost unattainable. Yet we forget the rugged hills we made it over to get to this very point. Sure you may not have arrived at that desired outcome, yet you are so much closer than you think.

While it seems like you may be in the midst of your greatest battle with no way through, give thanks.  Yep those moments were intentionally designed to break you. To count you out. To eliminate your greatness from breaking through. But you are here. Give thanks.

When in the battle it's challenging to see the win. But know the fight is fixed. These things are only meant to sharpen your iron. Give thanks while you persevere through the storm.  The mere fact that you are even still in the fight means you have so much worth fighting for. Give thanks, don't give in.

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair. Persecuted but not forsaken. Cast down, but not destroyed. Give thanks. We are still here.

Today choose to walk in gratitude knowing that every ounce of your being in this moment is greater than you were yesterday and the day before and the day before. With a grateful heart know your present it creating a future beyond your wildest dreams. Give thanks. Gratitude says I know things are always necessarily good, yet I stand in appreciation and acceptance of the gift.

Appreciate the moment.
Practice mindfulness.
Be patient.
Practice kindness.

Know your light affliction is but a moment and is working something far more greater in you and for you. Show gratitude for that greater coming.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Let's Talk About it . . .

So we just gonna pretend that it doesn't exist. That it never happened. That it didn't hurt. That we didn't feel it. That we didn't live it. That it if we keep it buried on the inside somehow it will disappear.

It won't. It's still there. Even it you buried it. It's still there. It didn't leave. All you did was burry a corrupt seed that has sprouted and blossomed into more hurt and pain by new names--fear, doubt, shame, just to name a few. It becomes this vicious cycle devouring and consuming whatever is life-bearing. It's still there.

Yes, you are consuming you when you refuse to talk about it. Silence is killing you. Literally. Think about it, when you are in immediate danger, what's the first thing you do? Shout and scream. You want help to hear you and come to your rescue. And some of us have been trained to shout fire so that others will truly be able to distinguish our urgent need for help. It's still there.

You gotta talk about it. It's a part of you, yet that moment doesn't define the greatness of who you are. You gotta talk about it. It's still there. Traveling with you from place to place--here to there--settling right within you.

You gotta dig it up. Your very life depends on it. It's impossible to get where you really wanna be by keeping it buried within. It's only a moment of your story that actually has the power to make you greater if you talk about it. It's still there. You don't want to merely survive; you wanna live. You gotta talk about it. Own your story. It's yours. It deserves to be told by you.

Erase the shame. Shame says you are bad and you believe it. Yet don't confuse the feelings. Yes bad things may have happened to you and you may have even done some bad things. But you are not bad. Talk about it. We all have a story to tell. The key is to tell it to those who deserve to hear it. Be selective. Don't merely throw your pearls before swine to consume. Even if it means getting professional help, TELL it. That's a great safe place to start to talk about it. There's nothing wrong with attending to your emotional and mental health needs. Stop believing that lie. What's in you has got to come out. It has to be dug up from the roots. A job the professionals have been trained to handle. Then replaced with tilled ground and good seeds. You gotta talk about it.

It's still there.

Tell it so that you can live.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Daily Practice

Consistency has been my word for 2019. I told God I wanted to practice consistency in using my gifts and talents. I've spent far too much time taking it all for granted. Leisurely tapping into my gifts and talents at convenience rather than responsibility. This week makes for vid and post #7. By no means am I celebrating yet. There's plenty of work to be done. And I do plan to stay the course because the mere act of consistency has been beyond rewarding.

So with consistency in mind I want to be intentional about my daily practices. I want to rise with intentional focus and know that even if I make mistakes or totally fall along the way, that I took the risk. I showed up with full effort to give it my all. 

I am intentional about:
  1. Practicing boundaries. Boundaries are not just saying no. It's about accountability. Holding ourselves and others accountable takes daily deliberate practice. It means I stand in my truths, values and morals unafraid of what may be. 
  2. Practicing consciousness. I am aware of my gift and talents. Of their potential and power. Of how they are a part of my being yet they are not all of what makes me me. Yet I understand when I operate in my gifts and talents I am my most giving self. I am aware of who I am--strengths, flaws and all. And I am accepting of each and every part of me. And by staying connected to my center, God, I am trusting my process despite my challenges. T
  3. Practicing choice. I choose to be the best that I can be. I choose to not place my value and worth in the hands of others. I choose my morals and values and convictions. I choose love. I choose me. I choose a circle of friends rooted in being connected to each other---we feel heard, seen and valued by each other. I choose kindness. I choose to show up as my most authentic self. 
By no means am I perfect or striving for perfection that doesn't exist. I don't claim to know the road from here to there. I just want to embrace all of who I am intended to be each and every day.